Talk To Me.
One thing I love about our "thing" is how open our communication is with one another. You'll hardly hear about us arguing; that's because we do a great job at thinking things through before addressing each other. Not that we ever get that upset with each other in first place. We've only skipped (to my recollection) 4 nights of not talking to each other in some form of communication. Our very first phone conversation was 7 hours long, we talked until 3 AM (I wake up at 5 AM!). Less than a week later we had our first "date" on Oovoo and it lasted from 8:30 PM to 5:30 the next morning, 10 hours! Unless we have a really long and stressful day, we still average about 2 hours of phone conversation per night. It's amazing how much we still find to talk about each night. Sometimes I ask the most random questions, "Babe, how does the cement in a cement truck not harden?" or "Baby, if dashing means to run quickly, why is it also a synonym for 'handsome'?" and all he can do is laugh and say "Right on top of that Rose." Fun times.
And what's even better, if we can't talk it out, we write. We keep a journal, a scrapbook of sorts where whenever we can't find the words to verbalize our feelings to each other, we can write it down. In our notebook we write each other love letters, apologies, I write him poems, and he writes me songs. Sometimes we even get goofy and have mock handwritten IM convos or take on different personalities and have them communicate with each other. It's crazy how in sync this notebook helps us become. On the inside covers of the notebook we keep other keepsakes from our relationship, although they may soon need to be moved to their own box or something, that binder clip can barely hold them all. Movie tickets, draft copies of letters and poems, refrigerator notes, all clipped inside our special book.
Our notebook, clever eh? |
One song he wrote for me |
Inside sample |
Back cover keepsakes |
If it weren't for our open communication and our ability to express our emotions honestly, I don't think our relationship would be so successful. It's so hard to make it through the week only being able to see him twice, but knowing that we have the evenings to chat it up on the phone at night or have an Oovoo date planned makes the days go by a little smoother. Talking with him makes all things seem so much easier to deal with. Even if other things in life stress me or him out, talking it out with each other takes the stress away, if even just for a minute. Try talking with the one you love, really talking, not yelling, and if that doesn't work, write them a letter (with full intention that they'll read it). Write down everything you're feeling, whether you're afraid to express it verbally or just couldn't find the words at first, your partner will appreciate it. I know I do.
(Posted by Snuggles)
i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this entry! with all my heart!!! =)