Monday, July 16, 2012

Climbing the Ladder

Today is a big day in the Platypus household. Babe has a job interview for a position he could TOTALLY rock! Yes, he has a job now, but it sucks, immensely. He's miserable and comes home unhappy every day without hail. This is completely unacceptable for me. I need my man to enjoy what he does for a living and working in a place that's conducive to productivity and efficiency, neither of which is current place of employment has. So I've been like his little secretary; being that I'm on summer break for another month and he's the one working 8 hours a day, teaching (yes, he's a teacher who gets no summer break, strike one against his employer), I'm on the job hunt for him. I've managed to find some pretty decent job vacancies with persistent outreach. He knows I'm the job hunt pro, I mean, I've taught for 3 years in 3 different school districts, I know all about finding jobs and wooing employers in the education business.

 So I've put together an awesome resume and cover letter for him and have been emailing and applying on his behalf like crazy. It's finally beginning to pay off, he has an interview this afternoon to be a violence prevention specialist (fancy title huh?!). And he's been getting phone calls and voice-mails more frequently that we're now int he process of returning because of course he's working when they call. That's the hardest part of it all, I can't answer the phone calls for him, just the email responses, and by the time he gets off work and is able to return their calls, they're unable available and he's stuck leaving a message in the hopes they the game of phone tag will end soon. But I am very hopeful for the interview he has today; his job has pretty much set him up to be successful at violence prevention, he does it everyday in his classroom of misfits. They'll love him and his courteous mannerisms and professional tone. They better, hehe. He woke up extra early this morning to head back to his folks' place to get his clothes ready. I even got up with him and made him breakfast, two scrambled eggs and bacon, the breakfast of CHAMPIONS and got his work things ready for him to go. I hate when he has to leave me in the morning not knowing when he'll be back (we don't live together you know), I miss him as soon as I begin to close the door *sniff*.

Anyway, I hope he knocks them dead and lands this gig because it'll definitely help him climb the professional ladder of mental health and youth counseling. He's really good at connecting with young men and neutralizing heightened situations between them, he's quite respected by the young folk ^_^. I can't wait to get the full update as to how it goes, it's not until 4:30 so I've got a while of anxiety to conquer until I hear about it. The only thing is, if he gets this job, he'll be working about 40 minutes in the opposite direction of where he is working now, which makes him about an hour and half offset from where I live, which translates to fewer contact days during the week. But I told him, he's at work more than he's in my presence so his professional is just as important, if not more important than the happiness of spending time together, I'm willing to sacrifice some us time for that. But that's for another blog WHEN he lands the job. More details to come...

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Our most recent "episodes" in our notebook have been addressing how much we dislike having to schedule time with one another because of our personal agendas getting in the way. It (the notebook) really is a great way to cope with our situation sometimes. You would think living less than an hour apart from each other we'd see each other a little more, but twice a week is all we can salvage most of the time. And it sucks. Whoever said "absence makes the heart grow fonder" lied. Yes, it’s very rewarding to be reunited with one another after each stretch of time apart but that’s not what makes our “hearts fonder.” Absence for us is as simple as a trip to the kitchen or going to take a shower…those minutes apart are even miserable sad to say. So absence and fondness for us has a whole different meaning because I’m sure this isn’t what they meant when they stated that quote. 

So often I wish there were a way to see each other more, I hate missing him so much. I know, I know, you’re all saying, “Get a grip Kia. Live your life.” But I’ve done that. I’m at a point in my life where I’m finally ready to commit to someone else wholeheartedly, 100% with no backing down. And now that I’ve found someone I’m ready to “ride or die” for, we have to check our schedules first. I know it’s important to be patient, things will get better, but how do you cope with finally finding someone compatible and not being able to enjoy them the way you want, when you want? What do I do? I write, I sing, I clean, I do homework (gag), anything to get my mind off of the “absence.”

I could go out and try to have a social life, but every time I finally make a friend around here, they’re gone, relocated to another part of the world where we can no longer hang out. Spain, Japan, New York, back in Texas, just gone. I’m tired of losing good friends so I just stopped making them. I have one friend left here, I should really reach out to her more, but I can’t, and there’s a reason why (maybe in another blog I’ll address that issue).  Man this blog is getting random, am I even addressing the topic at hand anymore? I digress so easily, it’s ridiculous. Anyway, find what works for you in your time of need; I probably wasn’t of much help with this blog but that’s okay sometimes. It helps just to type away all of my thoughts so that it’s one less thing to carry around on my shoulders for the day. I guess my lesson here was (or was supposed to be), it’s okay to miss the one you love whether it’s for a few seconds, a few days, or a few weeks; just make sure that when you’re together you value EVERY moment as if you don’t know when you’ll see each other again, your heart will thank you for it.