guess this blog is supposed to be informative, detailing exactly what it is
that makes my special lady and I work so well. However, before delving into the
mechanisms that strengthen our relationship, I would like to dedicate this
first post to my beautiful Snuggle Bunny. She is a truly remarkable person and
I can only hope that this post captures a fraction of how wonderful she is.
is an amazing person inside and out and being in love with her has really
augmented my perspective on the subject of love in general. The concept of love
has been both disgustingly romanticized and cleverly lampooned in contemporary
media. Between the bullshit fantasies Hollywood feeds us on a routine basis and
the more cynical reflections Chris Rock gives us in a stand-up routine on occasion,
there seems to be an interesting dichotomy that emerges in the various
conceptualizations of love. Maybe Hollywood has socially engineered us to form
unrealistic expectations in regard to the relationships “love” is fostered in,
and perhaps Rock’s analysis of relationships is ostensibly a more realistic
depiction in response to this. In short, Rock humorously characterizes the
modern day relationship as one in which the man sacrifices all of his hopes and
dreams in his new life mission to make a woman happy. While I am a firm
believer that love is about sacrifice, I think it has to come from both ends to
make a relationship truly work. Although, I would definitely sacrifice any and
everything and place high importance on her happiness over mine, both of us
have at least displayed an equal willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the
is a tough one to pin down honestly. To even attempt to use quick blurbs to
describe her would be a crime of the worst kind, but for today, I would
describe her as a true cherisher of moments. I can say with certainty that
nothing makes her happier than something as simple as spending time with the
ones she cares about. She essentially lives to love people and she is very pure
in that sense. It is because of this that, dare I say, Kia comes off as a
little Hollywood. Surely everyone has flaws and idiosyncrasies that irk people,
but for the most part, Kia is a little too good to be true. However, sometimes
it just is what it is. The cynic in me would not want to believe that someone exists
that loves as purely as she does, but she is emblematic of all of the best
parts of humanity and I am grateful to have her play such a significant role in
my evolution as a human being. So, between clichéd cinematic representations of
romance and comedic meditations on the subject of love, my experience with Kia
lends credence to neither. Every relationship is its own thing and we have to
take various steps to make the best of them. I anticipate that Kia and I will
enjoy making the best of ours for quite a long time.
(Posted by Perry)
gorgeous!! love every bit of it!